The Brooklyn Horror Film Festival returns to New York City October 12th till the 15th and tickets are now on-sale for the hotly anticipated Fall festival! BHFF is proud to present more than twice as many feature films as last year as part of our expanded second edition. “This year we’ve grown to a four-day festival and are very excited to be extending our reach to audiences beyond North Brooklyn, into Downtown Brooklyn and Crown Heights,” says fest director Justin Timms. “Starting with our opening night at the new Alamo Drafthouse in downtown Brooklyn we’ve also added Nitehawk Cinema, LIU Kumble Theater, Film Noir Cinema & Video Revival this year to go along with our key theaters from last year Wythe Hotel Cinema, Videology Bar & Cinema and Spectacle Theater.”
Highlights of our 2017 edition include HOUSEWIFE on opening night at the Alamo Drafthouse Downtown Brooklyn, our FEAR IN FOCUS: MEXICO SIDEBAR, Centerpiece films COLD HELL and MAYHEM co-presented by Shudder, the World Premiere of locally made GET MY GUN, and closing night at the Wythe Hotel Cinema with THE BOOK OF BIRDIE.