"Kevin Can F... Himself" is a dark comedy that alternates between traditional multi-camera sitcom and single-camera drama. Set in Worcester, Mass., the series follows the journey of Allison McRoberts, a stereotypically smart and beautiful sitcom wife, who is married to Kevin, a husky, self-centered man-child who is clearly punching above his weight. After making a dark discovery, Allison teams up with neighbor Patty O'Connor as she attempts to escape the confines of her life and take control of her fate. Today I chat with series creator and executive producer Valarie Armstrong. Season 1 will available on DVD and Blu-ray Nov. 16th.
MULHOLLAND DRIVE is a complex and surreal film directed by David Lynch, known for its non-linear narrative and dreamlike sequences. The ending is open to interpretation and has been the subject of much debate among viewers. Here's a breakdown of the ending: Diane's Dream vs. Reality: Throughout the film, there are two main narrative threads: one follows Betty/Diane's dreamlike experiences in Hollywood, and the other delves into Diane's harsh reality. The ending reveals that the majority of the film has been a dream constructed by Diane Selwyn, a failed actress, as a means to escape the guilt and pain of her actions. Betty/Diane's Descent into Madness: Betty, played by Naomi Watts, represents Diane's idealized self—a hopeful and innocent aspiring actress. However, as the film progresses, it becomes clear that Betty's story is unraveling, and her identity begins to merge with Diane's. This culminates in the revelation that Betty is merely a construct of Di...