Directed by the renowned David Ayer, "A Working Man" stars Jason Statham as Levon Cade, a former black ops operative who has traded in his decorated military career for a quiet life working in construction. However, tranquility is shattered when the boss’s daughter—someone who feels like family—is kidnapped by human traffickers. Levon’s desperate search to rescue her plunges him into a harrowing world of corruption, unveiling secrets that challenge everything he thought he knew. This film follows Ayer's and Statham's surprise hit "The Beekeeper" and could be another blend of high-stakes action with overall bonkers storytelling.
With its release just around the corner, "A Working Man" could be another sleeper hit. Will audiences enjoy another thrilling cinematic experience and engage with a story Get ready for an unforgettable ride as "A Working Man" brings action, heart, and a powerful message to the big screen. Don’t miss it—only in theaters March 28!