Amazon MGM Studios is gearing up for the release of "Unstoppable," an inspiring biographical drama that tells the remarkable true story of Anthony Robles, a wrestler who defied the odds to achieve greatness despite being born with one leg. Directed by Oscar-winning filmmaker William Goldenberg, "Unstoppable" is set to premiere on Prime Video on January 16, 2025, following a special one-night-only screening event in theaters across the U.S. on January 8.
Starring Jharrel Jerome as Anthony, alongside Jennifer Lopez as his devoted mother Judy, and Don Cheadle as one of his coaches, the film is a celebration of determination, family, and the relentless pursuit of dreams. Jerome's performance is expected to resonate with audiences as he embodies Anthony's unyielding spirit and commitment to wrestling, a sport that traditionally emphasizes physical prowess.
The screenplay, penned by Eric Champnella and Alex Harris, is based on Anthony Robles' own book co-authored with Austin Murphy. It explores the pivotal role of Judy, whose unwavering support serves as the emotional backbone of Anthony's journey. The film showcases not only the physical challenges he faced but also the mental fortitude required to compete at the collegiate level, ultimately culminating in his quest to become an NCAA Champion.
As part of the film's promotion, Amazon MGM Studios will host free screenings in the top 85 U.S. markets, allowing fans to experience the film ahead of its official release. These screenings will be accompanied by a special pre-taped Q&A featuring the stars and the director, giving audiences an exclusive look at the film's creation and its inspiring message.
"Unstoppable" is produced by an impressive team that includes Ben Affleck and Elaine Goldsmith-Thomas, ensuring a high-quality cinematic experience. With its PG-13 rating, the film aims to reach a broad audience, inspiring viewers of all ages with Anthony's story of resilience.
For those eager to catch a glimpse of the film before its release, the official trailer and a new poster are available online, offering a tantalizing preview of the powerful narrative that awaits.
Join the conversation and follow the journey of Anthony Robles—an undeniable testament to the human spirit. Mark your calendars for January 16, and don’t miss the opportunity to see "Unstoppable" in theaters on January 8!