Conclave, the 2024 adaptation of Robert Harris’ 2016 novel, is a tense and cerebral thriller that trades action for atmosphere, set against the cloistered, hallowed halls of the Vatican. Directed by Edward Berger, the film marks a bold departure from the splashy spectacles that dominate contemporary cinema, opting instead for tightly wound intrigue, intellectual sparring, and hushed suspense. Featuring a restrained yet magnetic performance from Ralph Fiennes and a supporting cast of veteran character actors, Conclave navigates questions of faith, power, and morality with an impressive sense of gravitas. It’s a film as much about the fragility of institutions as it is about the men who uphold them. The story unfolds in the wake of the sudden death of the Pope, an event that sends shockwaves through the Catholic Church and sets in motion the secretive process of electing his successor. Fiennes stars as Cardinal Lomeli, the Dean of the College of Cardinals, tasked with overseeing the conc...