The Film Michael Mann, known for his gritty crime dramas like "Heat" and "Collateral," takes a bold leap into the cyber-thriller genre with "Blackhat" (2015). While the film's premise promises a gripping exploration of the intersection between cybercrime and international intrigue, its execution leaves much to be desired. The film opens with a cyber-attack on a Chinese nuclear power plant, setting the stage for a high-stakes game of digital cat-and-mouse. Enter Chris Hemsworth as Nicholas Hathaway, a convicted hacker with the skills to match the sophistication of the cyber threat. Mann's decision to cast Hemsworth, primarily known for his action-hero roles, raises eyebrows, but the Australian actor delivers a surprisingly nuanced performance, shedding his Thor persona for a more grounded and realistic portrayal. The film's strength lies in its meticulous attention to technical detail. Mann, known for his dedication to realism, worked closely wi...