Christopher Nolan’s Inception (2010) has captivated audiences since its release, offering a labyrinthine narrative that plays with the boundaries between dreams and reality. The film, which stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Dom Cobb, a master thief who specializes in the art of “extraction”—stealing secrets from within the subconscious of his targets—unfolds as both a high-concept heist film and a deeply personal story. The plot centers on Cobb’s attempt to pull off the impossible: "inception," the act of planting an idea in someone's mind without them realizing it. To accomplish this, Cobb assembles a team of specialists and descends through layers of dreams, each more dangerous and unstable than the last. But Inception ’s ending, which leaves viewers on the edge of their seats and pondering what is real, is where the film truly leaves its mark. In the final moments, Cobb returns home to his children after completing the job. Before he enters the house, he spins a top, a totem...