In the unfathomable expanse of cinematic longevity, who could have predicted that "The Fast and the Furious," birthed in 2001, would persistently tread the asphalt of our imaginations in 2023? This enduringly explosive spectacle, now transformed into the sprawling narrative monolith known as "The Fast Saga," unfurls across a tapestry woven with NOS fumes and boundless imagination. The franchise's trajectory has evolved from mere street-racing marauders to a clutch of globe-trotting superspies, capable of anything except adhering to the confines of rationality. As the annals of time unfold, the cinematic escapade christened "Fast X," or the colloquially-nicknamed "Fast Ten," races into view, defying both reason and all precedent, delivering a barrage of high-octane action that defies logic and coherence. Director Louis Leterrier's foray into the turbulent domain of the Toretto family embarks on an enterprise of grandeur as monumental as th...