Directed by Philip Gelatt, the documentary series set to premiere on Substack explores five acclaimed horror authors' intricate lives and inspirations. In a fresh take on literary documentary filmmaking, First Word on Horror will debut exclusively on Substack on February 7, 2025. This fifteen-part series, directed by Emmy and WGA-winning filmmaker Philip Gelatt, profiles five of the most compelling voices in contemporary horror literature: Stephen Graham Jones, Paul Tremblay, Elizabeth Hand, Laird Barron, and Mariana Enriquez. Each episode serves as an intimate portrait, allowing viewers to step into the authors' lives as they reflect on their inspirations, philosophies, and writing techniques. The series not only showcases their literary talents but also features them reading their own short stories, creating a seamless blend of fact and fiction that unveils the creative processes behind their haunting narratives. “First Word on Horror is a love letter to writers and the human...