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Showing posts with the label IT'S JUST PIZZA

Following Films Podcast: Gairo Cuevas, Bella Cvengros, and Wyatt Tithof on IT'S JUST PIZZA

Thank you for listening to the FOLLOWING FILMS PODCAST, a weekly interview show where we dive deep into the creative minds behind today’s most captivating films. In this episode, we’re thrilled to be joined by director Gairo Cuevas and the talented stars of It’s Just Pizza, Bella Cvengro s and Wyatt Tithof. It’s Just Pizza is the latest short film from Gairo, produced through Pixar’s Cooperative Film Program, and it’s making waves for its bold storytelling approach. Filmed in one continuous take, this short captures the raw tension of a troubled relationship with a simple yet powerful premise: the fallout from ordering the wrong pizza. But this film is about so much more than pizza – it’s about dishonesty, communication, and the political undertones that shape our interactions. Today, we’ll chat with Gairo about his inspiration for the film, the challenges of filming in one take, and how It’s Just Pizza is resonating with audiences. Bella and Wyatt will also share their experiences bri