Acclaimed director RaMell Ross, known for his Academy Award-nominated documentary Hale County This Morning, This Evening, makes a triumphant return to the big screen with his adaptation of Colson Whitehead's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, The Nickel Boys. The highly anticipated film, set for a limited theatrical release on December 13 before expanding in January, has already generated buzz for its powerful portrayal of injustice and resilience in the Jim Crow South. The film stars Ethan Herisse (When They See Us) as Elwood Curtis, a young Black man with dreams of higher education that are derailed by a cruel twist of fate. After a minor mistake leads to a harsh sentence at Nickel Academy—a reform school with a sinister undercurrent—Elwood forms a transformative bond with fellow ward Turner, played by Brandon Wilson (The Good Lord Bird). Their friendship becomes a beacon of hope and survival as they navigate the school’s unrelenting brutality. Ross co-wrote the screenplay with Joslyn...