Passion, the debut feature from Ryusuke Hamaguchi, is a mesmerizing exploration of intersecting love triangles and the complex emotions that come with them. Released on Blu-ray, this film provides an intimate and thought-provoking look at the intricacies of modern relationships, showcasing Hamaguchi's early talent as an auteur and foreshadowing his later acclaimed works. The story revolves around a group of thirtysomethings who find themselves entangled in a web of love, secrets, and confessions. The story unfolds as a couple, Kaho and Tomoya, announce their engagement to their friends during dinner, only to reveal a past affair by the groom. What follows is an emotionally charged evening where the characters are led into a series of deeply vulnerable and shocking exchanges. The film masterfully delves into the exposed-nerve confessions and unrequited attachments of its characters, portraying their struggles with raw and unfiltered honesty. It's a testament to Hamaguchi's s...