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The Toxic Avenger 4K/Blu-ray "Tox Set" Collection Review

The Toxic Avenger: A Gruesome and Bizarre Series of Films that established an institution of independent film The Toxic Avenger movies are a series of cult-classic horror-comedy films that took the B-movie genre by storm. Created by Lloyd Kaufman and Michael Herz, these films embrace their low-budget origins and deliver a unique blend of gore, dark humor, and social commentary. Thanks to the fine folks over at MVD I had a chance to revisit all four movies in the franchise, exploring their strengths, weaknesses, and overall impact on the genre. The Films THE TOXIC AVENGER (1984): Directed by Lloyd Kaufman and Michael Herz, THE TOXIC AVENGER is a film that defies categorization. It's a cult classic that has gained a dedicated fanbase over the years, and it's not hard to see why. The film stands out for its gleeful embrace of absurdity, over-the-top violence, and dark humor. At its core, THE TOXIC AVENGER is a B-movie through and through, and it revels in that distinction. The st